Hello all. Welcome back or welcome to my blog. For this post I will be sharing what a typical payday looks like for me when I am not working. Keep reading if you are interested!

0730-1130 This particular day I was determined to sleep in. I had worked six shifts in seven days (not by choice) and I was exhausted. I actually woke up 0730 but basically forced myself to stay in the bed until 1100. This was so hard for me because I usually get up and start moving, but my body thanked me so much! Listen to your body people. Before I headed out of the house, I made sure to check my bank account and fill out my budget section in the back of my planner and have a firm idea of what I would be meal prepping on Sunday.

1255-1351 Gym time! This workout was “Upper Body Pump” day from the Hard Body Training for Women program by Christian Thibaudeau. This is the program I am currently running and it has been working well for me. The roughest part for this workout was the rowing at the end of the workout, but I have to work on my cardiovascular health!

1400-1500 I ran my basic payday errands: gas and groceries. Errands usually do not take me long as I only spend about fifteen minutes top in grocery stores because I go by my list. Errands usually consist of visits to about two to three grocery stores and the Dollar Store. This may seem excessive but it actually allows me to stay within budget! Most paydays I also take a bank run to get cash out for tithes, offering and cash savings.

1610-1700 I took this time to actually vacuum out and clean the inside of my car. I love this little handheld vaccum from Black & Decker that I purchased at a neighborhood Walmart. This actually helped me cut down on my expenses because I can clean the inside of my car myself and spend a little bit of money to get the outside washed. I also like to use solid air freshners from the Dollar Tree under the seats to keep the car smelling nice and fresh!

1800-2100 During this time on a typical day off I will usually work on my blog, plan, budget or study . I may write a blog post or edit some photos. My brain turns on when the sun goes down so I use this time to wind down and organize my life. Yes, I am out of school, but I may still study or review some things lately it has been related to Spanish to brush up. I might also use this time to research job openings for kicks and giggles.

That is what a typical payday off looks like for me! As you can see, my paydays off are spent pretty much running errands and “resetting”. Thanks for reading!

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